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What to Bring on Move-In Day

By Brooke

Move-in Essentials: 5 Things to Bring on Sweetwater Moving Day

Starting to pack for Sweetwater move-in day? In addition to your packed belongings, be sure to pack a tote bag with essential items that you can easily access when moving. 

Read Next: Moving Checklist 

We understand that moving can be overwhelming, and there is a lot to account for. For this reason, we have put together this list of what to bring on day one to ensure your day goes smoothly.

5 Things to Pack in Your Moving Day Tote

Sweetwater Tote Bag

1. Basic Toiletries 

After a long day of moving boxes, you won’t want to dig through bags to locate your toothbrush. For convenience, you’ll want to have your basic toiletries like contacts, deodorant, hair brush, razor, and moisturizer easily accessible on moving day.

Move-in days are a workout, so you will also want to include shower necessities such as shampoo, conditioner, towels, and a shower curtain. 

Additionally, make sure to have a roll of paper towels, toilet paper, and soap easily accessible. 

2. Cleaning Supplies 

The mess from moving can accumulate quicker than you think. With packing peanuts, tape, and unpredictable spills, cleaning supplies like wipes, all-purpose cleaner, and a broom are great to include. 

Additionally, moving day typically involves trips to the garbage, so make sure to bring trash bags. 

3. Kitchen Supplies 

Whether the plan is to cook or pick-up the first meal in your new home, you will want to have dining utensils, a plate, and a cup or mug to enjoy it. Don’t forget snacks and water!

Read Next: What’s Typically Included in Student Housing Rent in Gainesville?

4. Overnight Items 

Set aside pajamas and a change of clothes for tomorrow, you probably won’t have all your things unpacked by the time you go to sleep. Make sure to include a phone charger as well! 

5. The Irreplaceables 

It is easy to misplace items on moving day. For this reason, make sure important documents such as your government issued ID are accounted for. 

You’ll also want to include daily medications, as well as prescriptions that are difficult to replace. 

These are the essentials we recommend having on hand during move-in. If you are curious as to what all you should bring to make this school year one of the best, check out our ultimate college packing list for UF students!

Sweetwater College Packing List

To help ease some of the stress that comes with moving day, we have put together this downloadable moving checklist, which includes the items we touched on in this article as well as other tips on how to prepare!


We are so excited for you to call Sweetwater home! If you have additional questions about Sweetwater move-in day or the moving process in general, feel free to reach out to our leasing team! They are happy to answer any questions you may have. 


Brooke is a Community Intern with Sweetwater. She is a junior at UF studying Public Relations. Her favorite Daydreamer drink is a Sweetwater Matcha.

July 11, 2023

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